
Upcoming Class Schedule

Teaches at MY Durham


"Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows."

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

A native of Miami, Florida, Segovia has been studying yoga for 13 years. Though it was her move to Los Angeles in 2015 when she decided to hone and cultivate the daily discipline known as Ashtanga Yoga. Outside of her absolute hunger and passion for asana (moving meditation), Segovia enjoys both the practice of pranayama (yogic breathing) and considers herself an avid and dedicated student of yogic philosophy. Segovia believes the fusion of both Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga has the ability to bring about the most profound mental, physical and spiritual transformations within practice. Yoga dramatically changed Segovia's mental, emotional and physical resilience and like most yogis, her passion lies in sharing this dynamic resilience with others! When not in the studio, you can find Segovia reading or exploring a local bookstore, cooking wannabe fancy meals, weight training or spending time in nature.

Hidden Talent

Cooking aesthetically beautiful meals, I love the art of plating.

Celebrity Who Embodies Your Inner Rockstar

Bruce Lee

Go-To Coffee Order

I'm from Miami! Cuban espresso it is.