

Upcoming Class Schedule

Teaches at MY Raleigh


"The possibilities of joy are limitless if we can do what feels good to us - in work, in life, in love, in play… You have the power to create joy by choosing what feels good to you. The time for joy isn’t later. The time for joy is now."

—Melody Beattie

Haines is a certified RYT-200 yoga teacher who found herself routinely attending yoga classes to cope with her general anxiety and stress of graduate school back in 2018 while living in Charleston, SC. She moved to the Triangle in March of 2020, excited to continue her studio practice. However, just a couple weeks later the COVID-19 pandemic shut everything down. As a result, Haines turned to practicing yoga alone in her apartment to cope with the uncertainty. During this time, Haines discovered her love of building sequences with creative transitions and flowing to whatever felt good in her body. As a result, her classes bring creativity and freedom to move your body in a way that feels good but is also challenging and fun. When Haines is not in the yoga studio, you’ll find her in her 9-5 working in healthcare consulting, or discovering hidden gems around Raleigh.

Go-To Coffee Order

Lavender or Rose Latte with Soy Milk

The Song I Put On for Inspiration

Quiet your Mind by Zac Brown Band

Celebrity Who Embodies Your Inner Rockstar

Taylor Swift