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Teaches at MY Raleigh


"You glow differently when your confidence is fueled by belief in yourself instead of validation from others”


Gabi was born in Haiti and grew up in Illinois where she was active in many sports growing up. In high school, Gabi started diving and that became the sport she focused on which led her to an athletic scholarship at North Carolina State University. During her senior year of college, Gabi found her way to yoga. After being a competitive athlete for so many years, yoga gave her the balance of continuing her physical practice and showing up strong on her mat without the competition aspect. In 2019, Gabi became certified in power yoga and in 2020 she completed my 200hr teacher training. She loves both formats of yoga and loves stepping on my mat as both a student and instructor.

Guilty Pleasure

Cheeseburger and fries

Favorite Travel Destination

Virgin Islands

Go-To Coffee Order

Chai Latte all day every day!